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Understanding IV sedation

If your upcoming oral surgery requires anesthesia, you might be wondering what to expect from the experience. In this post, we’ll answer some common questions and discuss the process.

What is the difference between local and IV sedation?

Unlike local anesthesia, which is applied at the treatment site to numb the area and used while the patient is awake, IV sedation affects your entire body. IV sedation is the preferred method for longer or more complicated oral surgeries. When under IV sedation, a patient will feel nothing and remember nothing from their procedure. During this time, a doctor will continuously monitor vital signs to ensure your health and safety.

The three stages of IV sedation

IV sedation involves three different stages:

  1. Induction: Falling asleep
  2. Maintenance: Staying asleep
  3. Recovery: Waking up

During each stage, the correct proportion of medications will be delivered intravenously.

How do I wake up?

Once your oral surgeon has finished your treatment and your surgery is complete, the drugs in your IV will slowly be reduced so you can be taken out of the sleep state.

Are there any side effects?

The most common side effect is light confusion and slower than normal thinking after waking from your surgery. This typically goes away in an hour or two. For this reason, it is required that all patients bring a friend or family member on the day of the surgery for transportation home. It is also recommended that you rest and give the anesthesia time to properly wear off before resuming regular daily activities or going to work.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to give the clinic a call or ask the oral surgeon during your consultation.