All-on-4® Dental Implants in NJ

Are you tired of feeling embarrassed by missing teeth? Do you struggle with the frustration of not being able to enjoy your favorite foods because of poor dental functionality? Missing teeth can significantly impact your confidence and quality of life, making it difficult to smile, speak, and eat without discomfort or self-consciousness. But what if there was a solution that could restore your smile and improve your ability to eat and speak with ease?

On this page:

All-on-4 dental implants are a procedure that uses four dental implants to support a full set of prosthetic teeth in the upper or lower jaw. 

The All-on-4® dental implant procedure in NJ replaces a full set of teeth with fewer implants and less time. Unlike traditional dentures that can be uncomfortable and inconvenient, All-on-4® dental implants offer a permanent, stable, and natural-looking alternative. This innovative procedure can transform your dental health and restore your confidence in just one day.

What is the All-on-4® Treatment Concept?

The All-on-4® treatment concept is a minimally-invasive procedure that fully restores your teeth in a single day.

While traditional dental implants can require multiple surgeries and long recovery times, the All-on-4® treatment concept involves a single surgery to attach a full-arch prosthesis, with just four dental implants in each arch. Imagine smiling ear to ear for photos and laughing with friends and family. With All-on-4® dental implants you’ll feel confident at social gatherings. Our patient-first philosophy helps to ensure that you are comfortable throughout the procedure too.

Schedule a consultation with one of our doctors by contacting one of our 4 offices in North Jersey.

All-on-4 Before and After Photos

Patient # 1 Before
Patient with no teeth/endentulous condition
Patient 1 before photo with no teeth
Same day implant surgery
Patient 1 with 4 implants placed
Patient has full set of teeth
Patient 1 with all teeth replaced with all-on-4 solution

Patient # 2 Before
Patient with only partial teeth
Patient 2 with only partial set of teeth remaining
Same day implant surgery
Patient 2 with four implants placed before all-on-4
Patient has full set of teeth
Patient 4 smile after teeth replaced with all-on-4 solution


How Are All-on-4 Dental Implants Different from Dentures?

All-on-4 dental implants are a permanent, stable solution for missing teeth, while dentures are removable and must be removed daily for cleaning and maintenance. All-on-4 are placed in the jawbone for a secure fit, while dentures rest on the gums and can shift.

Read more about their differences below.

All on 4 Dental Implants vs Dentures

Category All-on-4 Dental Implants Dentures
Permanence All-on-4 implants are permanent and are cared for like natural teeth. Dentures can and need to be removed daily for cleaning.
Stability All-on-4 implants provide superior stability and allow patients to eat and chew without restrictions. Dentures can slip and move while eating and may limit choices.
Bone Preservation All-on-4 implants preserve jawbone density. Dentures do not stimulate the bone and therefore do not aid in preserving bone density.
Procedure The All-on-4 implant procedure is completed in a single day. Patients leave with a full set of teeth. Dentures may require multiple fittings and adjustments over the course of a few weeks.
Appearance All-on-4 implants look, feel, and function like natural teeth. Dentures may look less natural.
Maintenance All-on-4 implants are cared for like natural teeth with brushing and flossing. Dentures require daily removal, special cleaning, and adhesives to keep them in place.

With All-on-4® dental implants, you can laugh, smile, and eat naturally—without worrying about your teeth. This same-day solution offers a much more durable, permanent, and natural-looking answer to your smile concerns.

Are All-on-4 Dental Implants a Good Option for Me?

There are a number of aspects that can indicate whether or not you’re an ideal candidate for this procedure. Factors to keep in mind as you’re considering restoring your smile with the All-on-4® treatment concept:

  • Missing Teeth – Since the All-On-4® treatment concept involves a full-arch prosthesis, any remaining teeth must be extracted. However, many candidates have already lost most of their teeth. Any teeth that are failing but still present are gently removed during the implant surgery. Dr. DiamondDr. NovelliDr. HanDr. ParkDr. FrancioniDr. Feuerstein or Dr. Diaz would be happy to explain the process during your visit.
  • Good HealthAs with any surgery, the better your overall health, the quicker the recovery and the lower the likelihood of infection. Considering the health of your mouth and jawbone in particular, patients who lack sufficient bone mass for traditional dental implants are excellent candidates because All-on-4® implants can be angled into the jaw in a way that provides complete support and stability. Dr. DiamondDr. NovelliDr. HanDr. ParkDr. FrancioniDr. Feuerstein and Dr. Diaz can easily evaluate your mouth and determine the health of your jaw and if All-on-4® would be best for you.

What is the Process for All-on-4 Dental Implants?

Thanks to decades of research and advancement in the latest technology, All-on-4® teeth replacement is typically a one day, minimally-invasive procedure. Your surgeon will extract any remaining teeth and remove any infected or diseased tissues, place each implant, and close the wounds with sutures—all in one surgery.

The Step-by-Step Process

  1. Consultation and Evaluation: We will examine your oral health, and take X-rays and 3-D scans.
  2. Treatment Planning: We will develop a customized plan for you, determining implant placement for the most secure and natural-looking fit. We will also begin the prosthesis design.
  3. Pre-Surgery Preparation: Any remaining teeth will need to be extracted and in some cases, bone grafting may be required.
  4. Implant Surgery: While comfortably under anesthesia, four implants will be strategically placed in the jawbone. Two vertical implants will be placed in the front, and two angled implants in the back.
  5. Temporary Prosthesis is Placed: You’ll leave with a full set of temporary teeth attached to the implants on the same day while your custom prosthesis is being created.
  6. Healing Time: The implants fuse with the jawbone over 3-6 months.
  7. Final Prosthesis is Placed: Once healed, your custom-made prosthesis is attached to your implants.

Some pain and inflammation are common following your All-on-4® implant procedure. Soft foods and over-the-counter or prescription pain medications can help to ease any discomfort. For most patients, this resolves in about a week. Over the ensuing months, our team will meet with you periodically to ensure the perfect fit and comfort of your new All-on-4® dental implants.

What are the Benefits of All-on-4 Dental Implants?

  • Convenience: Treat your All-on-4® implants like your natural teeth, with daily brushing and oral care.
  • Comfort: Every All-on-4® treatment concept prosthesis is custom-fit for you.
  • Time: Your All-on-4® dental implants restore a full arch of teeth in a single surgery, restoring functionality and your confidence in just one day.
  • Confidence: Laughter truly is the best medicine! You’ll feel comfortable and confident laughing and smiling again.
  • …and so much more!

For additional information on the All-on-4® treatment concept, call us today or request an appointment online.

The Leading Experts in All-on-4 Dental Implants in NJ

Our oral surgeons are leading experts in the All-on-4® procedure and spent years collaborating with Dr. Paulo Malo, who pioneered the Nobel Biocare All-on-4® treatment concept. Today, the oral surgeons of Bergen Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery in NJ perform the procedure to help our patients restore their smiles and share their expertise with peers both locally and globally.

In just one day, you can regain your bright, beautiful smile and confidence. No more avoiding social gatherings or covering your mouth when you laugh!

Are You Ready to Restore Your Smile?

Don’t settle for missing teeth! All On 4 dental implants are natural-looking replacement teeth that can renew your smile. Contact us today to learn more!