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Successful case presentation

A low rate of treatment acceptance is a common obstacle that prevents an otherwise healthy dental practice from reaching its full potential. Fixing this problem is one of the fastest ways to boost growth.

Here are three effective strategies for helping your patients accept necessary treatment, while increasing job satisfaction and further developing your practice.

Schedule enough time to present your case

Dentists can be guilty of rushing through case presentation from time to time. While you may think that treatment isn’t really optional, your patient may feel otherwise. A patient who came in with a toothache is now being asked to undergo a root canal, crown or implant. Such procedures are no small expense. When’s the last time you spent a lot of your money after a three-minute pitch?

Don’t try to have a detailed discussion with your patient if you don’t have enough time. Instead, schedule a separate consultation so you can discuss your recommended treatment plan properly.

No jargon

Refrain from using words only familiar to dentists. Your patients aren’t dentists and there’s no benefit to impressing them with your vernacular. The purpose of a case presentation is to explain the problem, solution and benefits in a way that the patient can understand.

Don’t be afraid to discuss your fees

Most patients will ask about price at some point. Given that finances are a major reason for turning down treatment, it’s sensible for you to address this issue. You don’t have to bring up price unprompted in every presentation, but you should be ready to answer if asked.

Improving treatment acceptance is a win-win

While it’s no secret that a high acceptance rate leads to fewer holes in the schedule, raises profits and benefits your practice overall, an important goal here is to improve the oral health of your patients. Healthier patients are what quality dentistry is all about. Raise your rate of treatment acceptance and everyone will be smiling.