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Using lasers to grow your practice

You understand the importance of staying up-to-date on dental technology but also need to watch the bottom line. Upgrading the right technologies means finding those that grow your practice and therefore increase profits. Investing in dental lasers can do just that.

The laser difference

CAD/CAM systems, digital X-ray and Cone Beam technologies all improve the quality of your care. But none of these technologies is as versatile on a day-to-day basis as dental lasers. Laser systems offer utility for nearly every patient that sits in your chair.

Growth through increased efficiency

In your practice you can take on new patients when there are vacancies in your schedule. Therefore, your growth strategy will involve figuring out ways to free up your chair.

Using a CO2 dental laser can eliminate anesthesia and bleeding in a number of procedures. The time saved by not having to wait for patients to go numb increases efficiency to the tune of three or more appointments per day.

In addition to seeing more patients, removing anesthesia can also allow you to work across multiple quadrants in a single appointment:

  • Process bite adjustments immediately
  • Fill cavities as soon as they are discovered
  • Complete more fillings per visit

New lasers

Older lasers could only be used on a small percentage of patients. Early laser technology only produced pain-free blood-free results on 20 to 40 percent of patients for the average dentist-–a low proportion given that it was difficult to know who would or wouldn’t require the administration of anesthesia.

But with the latest computer-controlled CO2 systems greater than 95% of hard and soft tissue work can be completed without anesthesia.

Improved patient experiences drive growth

Dental anxiety and phobia have traditionally been rooted in the fear of the needle and drill. Remove these stressors and watch the patient experience improve dramatically.

As patients begin to realize that their phobias are no longer valid, your practice will experience significant patient retention as well as a sharp increase in referrals.

Remove the fears associated with going to the dentist and watch as the 1/3 of Americans who routinely avoided dental visits in the past start coming through your door.