6 advantages of dental implants over dentures
Dealing with missing teeth can be a stressful situation.
Losing teeth affects your ability to chew, eat and speak as well as lowering self-confidence and altering your smile.
Fortunately, modern dentistry presents more tooth replacement strategies than ever before.
While opting for dentures is more affordable in the short term, dental implants offer 6 distinct advantages that should not be overlooked.
1. Enjoy the certainty of a permanent solution
Dentures need to be periodically refitted and adjusted. Once dental implants are installed they last for many years and potentially for a lifetime. Imagine never having to worry about your missing teeth ever again. With dental implants, it’s just like having your natural teeth back.
2. Easier care
Whether you’ve got individual dental implants or full arch replacements (All-on-4), caring for your prostheses is as simple as brushing your teeth. Compare this with needing to remove dentures nightly for cleaning and the choice is clear. As an added bonus, dental implants will never require denture paste or adhesive.
3. You won’t even notice they’re there
Many patients find that dentures can cause discomfort, even after repeated attempts to refit and adjust. Implants are so comfortable that patients will soon forget that they are not their own natural teeth.
4. Eat what you want
Dental implants provide a far greater biting force than dentures, meaning patients can enjoy all their favorite foods without having to worry about dislodging their teeth in the middle of a meal. Dentures, particularly the full lower arch, are prone to wobbling and instability.
5. Maintain a healthy smile
Dental implants help to maintain bone density and protect nearby teeth from loosening in the future. Implants protect bone tissue and prevent remaining teeth from shifting or moving in the mouth. As you chew, the force that encourages new bone growth is transmitted via the titanium post just as it is naturally through the roots of your teeth.
6. Smile with confidence
Dental implants involve the installation of crowns that look like natural teeth. Patients enjoy the confidence of knowing that their smile looks great and that nobody has to know not all their teeth are natural.