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9 blog post ideas

Publishing a blog is a great way to improve SEO, keep your patients informed, and boost the amount of content you have to share on social media–but sometimes, it’s hard to come up with things to write about.

Here is a list of blog topics to help you if you encounter writer’s block.

1. How-tos and tips

How-tos are great because they’re easy to write and include popular search strings. For example:

  • How to brush properly
  • How to floss the right way
  • How to use mouthwash

Struggling with how to express the right way to do something in words? Record a short video, upload it to YouTube and embed the video into your post.

2. Community engagement

Whenever you, or your dental practice, gets involved in the community, be sure to snap plenty of photos with your smartphone. Explain why you got involved and why it’s important to your practice and make this into a post.

3. A successful treatment

Highlighting a happy patient’s experience at your practice is a great way to build confidence with anyone reading your blog.

4. Questions to ask your new dentist

Write a blog post that gives patients questions they can ask their dentist. Not only does this provide helpful information it also gently suggests that prospective patients consider speaking to you.

5. Employee of the month

Introducing members of your team is a great way to start to build a personal connection with your patients. If you don’t have an Employee of the Month program or similar, you can use the “meet our hygienist!” format. You can even ask each team member to write their own bio to save time and provide an authentic feel.

6. Product reviews

From toothpaste to electric toothbrushes, water flossers and more, pick an oral health product or device and write a review.

7. Oral health tips for ________

Think about all the different demographics you serve and how their oral care needs differ. Write a post for each one. Babies, seniors, children, pregnant women, etc.

8. Behind the scenes views

Upload a video of something interesting that patients usually don’t get to see. Perhaps milling a crown or showing how tools are sanitized.

9. Your thoughts!

Build rapport with patients by showing them that you’re a real person. Not every post on your blog needs to be 100% related to dentistry. Maybe your kid won the championship at a soccer tournament or you just want to share your thoughts on a non-polarizing current event. It’s your blog so don’t be afraid to show a little bit of yourself.