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How to inject positive energy into your practice

Positive energy has the power to motivate your team and lead to better results across every productivity metric, but what can you do to get the ball rolling at your practice?

Start by looking in the mirror

Building a positive work environment starts at the top. Bring a positive attitude to the office and that’s what you’ll promote in others.

Use positive words

Try to infuse more positive words into your vocabulary. Tell your staff when they’re really doing a good job. Talk about solutions not problems. When you say happy words, you foster happy thoughts.

Give compliments

Make a point of giving at least one compliment per day. Then two. Then three. When employees are recognized for positive results, they’ll go out of their way to create more of them.

Greet everyone, every day

It may sound cliché but making a habit of saying good morning to everyone you encounter builds a pattern of beginning the workday on a positive note.

When times are tougher

When everything’s going great, it’s easy to stay upbeat. It’s when times are tough that your team needs to hear “everything’s going to be OK” the most. When the current situation isn’t all that positive, you, as the leader, should paint the picture of a brighter tomorrow and lay out a roadmap to get everyone there.

Dealing with negativity

Everyone at your practice has different things going on in their life, both personally and professionally. As such, it’s only natural that staff members occasionally come to work unhappy. You can’t force someone to immediately change their mood, but you can control how you react to it.

Take care of yourself

While being positive is a choice, it’s also a choice that’s hard to fake if you’re burned out. Take care of yourself outside of the office so you’ve got the energy and vitality to stay upbeat at work.