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Using LinkedIn to grow your practice

It takes more than just signing up and filling out a profile to get the most out of LinkedIn for your dental practice, but you can increase your office’s online reputation with a minimum of investment.

There are both free and paid approaches to converting LinkedIn users into real-life patients. Here are a few easy-to-follow strategies to get you started.

Promote your practice with a LinkedIn company page

A LinkedIn company page is a free way to connect with your patients in a more professional setting than Facebook.

  • Easily invite patients/colleagues to follow your page.
  • Publish and share informative content on your page to attract new followers.

Your company page also allows you to tap into the SEO strength of LinkedIn. A potential patient searching for a new dentist on Google will often find your practice’s LinkedIn page in the search results.

Get patient referrals

Patients moving out of the area is just part of running a dental practice. The good news is – for every patient that sells their house and moves away, someone else is moving in.

You can use LinkedIn to build a patient referral network:

  1. Start by finding and connecting with dentists outside of your geographic area.
  2. Get the ball rolling by referring any patients of yours that move out of the area to members of your LinkedIn network.
  3. Dentists in your network will be able to return the favor and refer patients to you that are moving into your area.

Focus less on asking for referrals and more on being an active user. By engaging in conversation, uploading great content and posing thought-provoking questions, you’ll become “known” within your LinkedIn circles.

Invest in Linkedin ads

Many users on LinkedIn are actively seeking new jobs. Paid ads allow you to target job seekers moving into the area or switching dental plans when they change employers. You can reach them through conventional ads or with sponsored posts.