Archive for December, 2020

Halitosis could mean an oral health issue

Bad breath might seem like one of those things that’s a little embarrassing but not really a big deal but sometimes halitosis is a sign that you’re experiencing an oral health issue. Here are some possible reasons why you might be suffering from bad breath and why you need to see a dentist to have […]

Three reasons to get dental implants

Living with missing teeth is not fun. In some cases, people re-learn how to smile, talk or even eat, depending on which teeth they are missing and how greatly it affects their self-confidence. New oral health challenges can creep in over time, as your jaw bone and gum tissue can naturally deteriorates in the empty […]

How to make your practice unique

When it comes to choosing a dentist, patients have a lot of options. How can you entice potential patients to choose you? Building your USP In business, a unique selling proposition (USP) is the unique benefit that a brand, service or product provides to their customers to stand out from the competition. You need a […]

Tips for using direct mail marketing

While digital marketing is absolutely essential in today’s modern world, there’s still success to be had in promoting your business the old-fashioned way. Here are some easy tips to get the most out of a direct mail marketing campaign for your dental practice. Purchase a highly-targeted mailing list The more targeted your campaign, the better […]

Leveraging communication to grow your dental practice

Whether it’s between you and your employees or you and your patients, communication is one of the key tools you can use to grow your practice and provide a better patient experience. Here are five simple examples of how communication can save the day in dentistry. Listen to patients’ stories Every patient that sits in […]