Archive for October, 2022

Is my wisdom tooth infected?

In this post, we’ll explain what causes wisdom tooth infection (also called pericoronitis) and what symptoms to look out for if you believe one or more of your wisdom teeth are infected. The most common cause The most common cause of infection with your third molars is impaction of the wisdom tooth when the tooth […]

Preparing yourself mentally for oral surgery

Feeling apprehensive about oral surgery is a natural reaction. Here are a few tips to help calm your nerves and get you ready for the day of your appointment. Ask lots of questions during your consultation Learning more about your oral surgery is the best way to feel confident in your choice. Don’t miss out […]

Three reasons not to ignore missing teeth

According to the American College of Prosthodontists, approximately 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth. If you’re in this group and have simply accepted tooth loss as inevitable, you might want to reconsider. Ignoring missing teeth can have consequences for your oral health. 1. A gap in your teeth can cause misalignment When […]

Eight benefits to getting dental implants

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, implants offer benefits no other restoration treatment option can match. 1. A permanent solution Other tooth replacement options often require repairs over time, but dental implants are engineered to last for the rest of your life. 2. A natural-looking smile Modern enhancements in crown manufacturing mean your replacement […]

Ideas for making your practice more convenient

Improving the patient experience is one of the best ways to get a positive buzz going about your practice. Here are some ideas to make your patients’ lives easier. Online scheduling The modern consumer is accustomed to booking everything online. Implementing online scheduling for appointments can keep patients happy while automating reminders, can reduce no-shows. […]

Best practices for your Google Business Profile

Your Google Business Profile offers more opportunities than ever to boost your visibility and educate potential patients on your services. To get the most out of your profile, here are a few simple tips. Complete every element of your profile According to Google’s analytics, customers are 2.7 times more likely to find a business to […]