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I’m not feeling well. Can I still get my wisdom teeth extracted?

Your wisdom teeth extraction is coming up, but you’re feeling under the weather. You might be worried that it’s not safe to have the procedure. Here are some common issues and what they may mean for your procedure.

COVID-19 or the flu

Any patient who tests positive for COVID-19 or influenza must reschedule their wisdom tooth extraction until they have fully recovered.

Other symptoms

If one or more of the following symptoms are present, you may be asked to reschedule your appointment.

  • Difficulty breathing through your nose
  • Sore, red, or swollen throat
  • Coughing or tightness of the chest
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Fever, chills and fatigue

What should I do?

Call your oral surgeon. Office staff will be able advise you on the next step. In some cases, you may be asked to come to the office to speak with the surgeon so that they can evaluate the severity of your symptoms.

It is understandable that you may not want to reschedule your appointment if you’ve already arranged for time off work, a ride to/from your appointment and assistance with postop care, but remember that your safety and the safety of the surgeon and staff are more important. If you’re not feeling well, be honest about your condition so you can make the smartest move for your health and the health of your medical team.